a blue and white poster with a bunch of information on it

You Define Ideal Customer Profile

Definecompany profile and buyer persona. Set the right company size by revenue and/or number of employees. Choose industries and geographic locations. Select primary buyer and influencers in each organization by title and seniority.

a blue and white business plan with the words buyer personaaa computer screen with a business card on it

We Find Relevant Contacts

Data gathering from multiple sources and proprietary databases, internet and social media based on company profile and buyer persona.

Our automated platform leverages natural language processing algorithms to filter out the most relevant contacts. Collected contact details are validated for their accuracy. You own the database.

You Review Contacts Database

We present new contacts to your team for review and approval. You upload lists of your competitors, customers, companies where youhave an ongoing dialog and any other organizations, so we don’t reach out to your existing prospects or customers.

a screenshot of an approving buttona screenshot of a computer screen with a text description

You Define Messaging and Sequences

We develop powerful campaign sequences with automated messages and optimal time delays. You send connect requests to new people on LinkedIn and follow up messages to your existing and new connections. You personalize the text of your messages and emails.

We Execute LinkedIn and Email Outreach

Our automated system engages your target audience over LinkedIn and email channels on behalf of a salesperson or company executive.

Each market segment is approached with targeted campaigns and tailored messaging. We provide dashboards and detailed reports covering campaign progress. We conduct A/B testing and metrics analysis for continuous optimization.

a diagram of a conversation between linkedin and linkedin

Scheduling Meetings, Demos

We allow you to accurately track the status of each contact. You can easily see all of your new LinkedIn connections, including people who replied to messages, and those who indicated an interest in more information.

We track who opened your email and clicked on hyperlinks. Your sales team then focuses on their most likely prospects and engages them personally to win deals.